Now the good old beetroot has been around for centuries, some people love it, some people hate it! Belonging to the same family as chard and spinach, both the leaves and root of beetroot may be eaten – the leaves having a bitter taste whereas the root is sweet.
This humble vegetable comes in a variation of shapes and colours, ranging from purple (as we all know), too white, yellow, brown, and beetroot called chiogga beets or candy stripe, which have alternating rings of white and red. They are also a great source of folic acid, manganese, fibre and potassium.

We have created a beautiful juice named FLOW, using the finest organic Beetroots, Apples & Lemons. Tastes like grapes, but with an earthy vibe.
Classed as a "superfood", they are said to have a huge amount of health benefits, which include;

*Enhance sexual function
*Improve cognitive & physical functioning
*Flight inflammation
*Great for your skin
*Boost energy
*Detox the body
This vegetable to particularly popular amongst people who are physically active, or who play sports. This is because the beetroot raises the nitric oxide levels in the body, which increases blood flow, lung function & strengthens muscle contraction. Studies found that when athletes added beetroot to their diet, it may support exercise endurance and improve their performance. Beetroot can help with the recovery of muscles, because when the muscles are in a resting state, the nitrates in beetroot helps to bring more oxygen to the muscle cells helping muscles recover more efficiently.
High concentrations of nitrates can also be found in vegetables like spinach, celery, cabbage, radishes, turnips, watercress, bok choy, onion & garlic. Some fruits do contain nitrates, but the level are relatively low. These include, watermelon, apples, bananas, grapes, kiwi fruit, nectarines/peaches, pears, oranges & strawberries
For some people, eating beetroot may induce beeturia; a red or pink colour in the urine or stool, but don't worry, this is normal!
So with that all said, don't knock it, until you've tried it....You may be pleasantly surprised!
*Please note that although beetroot is regarded as safe, individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones should avoid over-consuming high oxalate foods, like beetroot. Anyone who has low blood pressure or is currently taking blood pressure medication should speak with a healthcare professional before adding beets or beetroot juice to their diet.

The information on this page has been sourced from the below websites.